BOOKBINDING papers, RESTORATION, supplies for bookbinding I can supply handmade papers for bookbinding, restoration of ancient books. I make by hand, from cotton or flax rags (before the years 60), from cotton, flax or hemp fibers, papers that look like ancient papers, raisin size (50x65 cm), made on laid mould with chain lines with shadow 2, 2.5, 3 cm apart and 8 or 10 wires per cm. Special papers for the XVIth century (chain line 19mm) and the XVIIIth - XIXth century(chain line without shadow). Velum paper: 48x62 cm. Neutral sized. between 8 and 15 sorts of papers in stock with different weights, different chain lines. Very little quantities (25, 40) for each sort! fabrications on order with generally the same price. I can send you samples by post. for 50x65cm: prices according the quantities: 11,50€ per sheet. 9,70 € per sheet since 10 sheets even different. 8,50€ per sheet since 25 sheets even different 7,85€ per sheets since 100 sheets even different - taxes and transport price must be added. You can send me samples of old books and I'll look at the papers that I have but in little quantities (10-20 sheets).  under the mould...  you may have a look on "infos pour relieurs, amateurs de reliures, collectionneurs". for the collectors of ancient books: the only distinctive mark for a paper made before 1760 is the shadow along the chain line; the industry can't make this shadow. Only a papermaker by hand, with a mould made as they were made along the XVIIIth-XVIIIth centuries, can make this shadow.  for bookbinding or edition, you may ask samples. What is rag paper? till 1850, papers where made from flax or hemp rags; cotton was employed in Occident since the middle of the XIXth century. From a worn bed sheet, you make a dish towel that wil become, later, a floor cloth. To be cleand, the cloth is cooked -as today, flax fibers (to make cigaret paper), hemp fibers (to make tea bags) or wood are cooked-, and little by little, all the component but cellulose go away, into the water. A pure cellulose paper is a paper that last. - Why is it important to use an hand made paper to repair a book printed during the XVIIth century? When you look at a sheet of paper made before 1760 by transpaprence, you see a shadow (dark streak) along the chain line. laid with shadow When the sheet of paper is dripping on the mould, the water follows the wires (it doesn't fall vertically), carrying the shortest fibers till the seam where the fibers stop and the water falls vertically. This shadow is like a black watermark, there is more paste along the chain line and so, we see a dark streak that the machine cannot make. After 1760, some moulds were made to obtain paper without this shadow. When you change a flyleaf in an ancient book -printed before 1760-, you must put an hand made paper! After 1760, look at the paper printed, the old flyleaf and choose the best for the book. The paper of the flyleaf (paper of the bookbinder) is not, generally, the same as the printed paper (paper of the printer) but they had not machine paper during the XVIIIth century! laid mould with watermark back view of a laid mould: the chain line follows the ribs.  under the mould, the water is dripping along the ribs      |